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The Music of Life – McBill – Hard-Copy

The Music of Life – McBill – Hard-Copy.

Bill of Rights


life is cycles;
we have highs


life’s no circle
we have outs

and ins

and should your ins begin to end
because you tread on heels again-
look up

when I walk with head held low
I don’t choose what path I go
Look up

and see a face, or a tree
or whatever place you may be
and know
I love you

The European Qustion

Near the end of May we heard Ken Clarke declare that only extreme nationalists were interested in holding a ‘silly’ European referendum. More recently David Cameron has entered the discussion saying the people do not want one, there is no public support. It’s almost like they are kicking sand in the collective face of those who want to withdraw from the EU.

Many of MyT’s members have expressed outrage at their comments. Some have asked how such intelligent people can make such stupid observations. People have commented on polls which show enormous support for a referendum, some indicating as much as 80pc support. Yet the government continues to make statements denying the need.Why?

There is only one party which has tied its wagon to the Europe question,UKIP. Normally that would be fine,someone running for parliament asking a question most politicians are afraid to ask.In this case,however, most of<!–more–> the support UKIP attracts comes at the expense of the Conservatives.Cameron knows that this will hand Labour a majority in the next election. So, why not just hold a referendum during the next general election?

If the Conservatives call for a referendum on Europe they will be seen as supporting it. The danger is that should Labour win, it would entrench Britain in Europe so deeply that escape might never again be an option. The Battle for Britain is on.

At first the Conservatives stance seems contradictory. They belittle those who want a referendum and then deny that there is even support for one. Yet,for some reason, they feel it is important enough for senior members of the government to publicly attack. If there is no support, why provoke the beast? Perhaps the government is asking for help.Perhaps they are trying to provoke a response that cannot be ignored. They want to be able to say,”we didn’t want this,but,the people have spoken.” Such a move would mitigate the damage UKIP will do to the Conservative’s election chances while not allowing Labour to claim the people want Europe.

So far we have not seen much of a reaction.Yes, many of you have posted comments expressing support for a referendum,but,who reads those comments? There is a e-petition on the subject which has gathered a paltry 57,800 signatures. Failing widespread public demonstrations how else can the government be supported in trying to hold a referendum.

<a href=”″>The e-petition is here for anyone interested</a>

A Tale of Two Gratitudes

I was in Canada in 1967 as that country celebrated its centennial. It is a quiet, unassuming nation filled with people generally described as ‘ polite’ and ,for the most part, they are. Just do not get them riled. Germany annoyed them twice. In WW1 over 10% of the entire population enlisted and 60,000 of them never returned. In WW2 they were even more impressive. They started that war with a military consisting of 6 birchbark canoes and ended it with the world’s 3th largest navy , 4th largest air force and another 45,400 deaths.

In May of ’67 Queen Juliana of the Netherlands visited Canada to participate in the birthday festivities. She saw Ottawa in bloom with over 2 million tulips. She and the Dutch government had sent 100,000 tulip bulbs to Canada in 1945 as thanks for their enormous help in the war. Each year since they<!–more–> sent another 10,000 bulbs. The Dutch never seem to forget their friends and see no shame in recognizing another country’s assistance.

In July of ’67 the French navy cruiser <em>Colbert</em> carried President Charles de Gaulle up the St.Lawrence river to Montreal. No nation on earth has more Canadian graves and owed Canada more than France did. What words could the French leader possibly say to the people of Canada in return for their enormous sacrifice? He chose to shout the slogan of a terrorist group dedicated to destroying the Canadian confederation. It was cowardly, it was dishonourable,and so very French. Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson, a WW1 veteran and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, reacted angrily and swiftly. The French president was not alowed to reboard the <em>Colbert</em> and was unceremoniously placed on a plane and sent back to France with an invitation to never return.

Why de Gaulle would choose to act the way he did is incomprehensible. Perhaps his visit reminded him too much of France’s national shame. The French were indignant that their hero should be treated so disrespectfully. They failed to grasp that respect is earned and can be lost through dishonourable acts. Mr De Gaulle forgot all that his hosts had done for his country and obviously forgot one should never get them riled.